Diamond Painting

Diamond Painting, or How I’m Surviving Corona Virus Quarantine

Current work in progress

About a year ago, I discovered Diamond Painting. I don’t know what caught my eye; most likely a Facebook ad. I’m thankful I developed such an affinity for it, because it’s really helped me getting through this quarantine. For some reason, this activity seems to help a lot of people with anxiety to begin with, and during this time it’s worked quite well.

So what is Diamond Painting?

The “diamond” part refers to the tiny plastic pieces of varying colors that are used to create the painting. It’s similar to a paint by number project, only with tiny pieces of plastic instead of paint.

Diamond painting kits can be ordered online from various places. In the kit is a canvas printed with squares containing a code for what color diamonds should be placed in each square. There are accessories such as a tray for holding diamonds, like the white one above. Picking up the diamonds (or drills) from the tray requires a special pen, also included in the kit. A small piece of red wax is also included to dip the pen in to help the diamonds stick to the pen from the tray to the canvas. Not included is a light pad. That in invaluable to working on these paintings. I started with a small one and graduated to a large one now. I’ve also bought different pens from what comes in the kit. My current favorites I found in Joann Craft Store. I also have a carrying case for my drills so I can access the various colors easily.

The canvas is sticky and covered with a special waxed paper that peels off. I peel it off in sections and work on a section at a time, rather than peeling off the entire paper.

For some reason, this soothes my anxiety quite a bit. I choose diamond paintings that I will enjoy having after I am done. I’ve completed two so far and had them framed.

I choose larger projects, because the larger the picture the better the detail. The Star Wars one I am working on was the largest the store sold, 160×120 cm. I am getting really good detail out of it. I’m nearly halfway there and quite pleased. As I’m working on it, I can’t always tell how good it looks. I have to take a photo or step far back from it to see what it looks like.

The two finished ones hang in my living room (R2D2) and bedroom (Freddie). This current one which is so large I was planning to hang on another wall in my living room, but that’s closer to my wood stove and I’m worried about the heat effecting the glue, so it will end up above my bed in our bedroom. I’ve purchased kits I intend to do as gifts for people as well.

I find it nice to sit down and work on the paintings. Sometimes I’ll work for 30 minutes then get up and do something else, then go back again. Other times I will work for hours. I’m sure there’s some psychological need it satisfies. I find it fun to create something for the time I am stuck at home.

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