
Corona Virus Diaries: February 27, 2021 – Adventures in Hair Loss & Geocaching

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

Currently there are just 70 active cases of COVID in our county. The statistics have dropped sharply, despite the fact that it’s ski season and we have a lot of people from out of state in the area. I credit the vaccines taking hold among the population over the last month. The total cases top out right now at 1700 with just 6 deaths. For some reason, we have been way below the average across the country.

My son and I both had our first vaccines two weeks ago and will get our second dose in another two weeks. So far, so good. We both had some light-headedness after the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, but no other side-effects.

I’ve suffered most of my life with very fine hair that has been thinning out over the years. It started in my early 20’s and has just gotten worse. I’ve tried just about everything under the sun in terms of hair products and vitamins to no avail. I finally caved this week and made an appointment in Concord at A Wig Center. I like that it’s a small shop with personal service. I talked with the woman there about me and one of the things I need is simplicity. I’m not the type of person who wants to fuss a lot. I don’t wear makeup or anything like that. I need to just put something on and go.

I tried on several styles. Some I liked, some I didn’t. I had a couple in my pile to consider when I tried on this last one she found elsewhere in the shop.

I had gone back and forth on whether I wanted bangs or not. For years I had them because I considered my forehead too big. Of the other styles I looked at, only one other had bangs. I liked this style because it was not heavy bangs, but just a little bit. I liked the length so in the summer I could put it in a ponytail and get it off my neck if it gets hot. I wasn’t crazy about this color though. I’d gone to darker colors as I got older, although I hadn’t colored my hair in years. In particular, I liked dark auburn. I found a color I liked on her color sample and I’m now waiting for that to come in before I learn all the ins and outs of wearing a wig and caring for it, but I think this is definitely my new path for my hair situation.

Please note: I took my mask off for this picture but the rest of the time I was in the shop, we both wore masks.

Right now I’m watching the snow fall. We’re supposed to get 3-5 inches today. I enjoy snow in the winter but right around this time of year I’m ready for it to be over. I went down to Kennebunk last weekend to do some geocaching and saw some of the historic homes there. Out on the coast, I found a geocache near the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport. I’m no fan of their politics, but it was nice to see the home.

I’m getting more of a drive to get outside nowadays, so I’m grateful to see some of the snow melting. When I was at my wig appointment in Concord, I took the time to find several geocaches there. I’m going to head down towards the coast of Maine again tomorrow. They’re getting rain right now instead of snow.

I ran out of previously-written Star Trek reviews just after the start of the second season of the original Star Trek series. I have to admit, I’m struggling a bit with them. It’s so hard to be fair in the context of their time with some of the scripts and actions. I’ll be glad when I’m back to writing about shows in more “modern” times.

Stay warm and safe everyone. Wear your mask!

10 replies »

  1. So glad you are getting out and doing some caching! I was out today and redeemed a DNF – I had tried to find it when the snow was 2 ft deep to no avail. Today I walked right up to it. I had completely missed the stump it was in but I’m not kicking myself – it was invisible in the snow!! As for the wig, my mother used to wear them back in the 1960s. They always looked natural on her because she used a crochet hook to pull her real hair through especially in the front… Hope the one on order is just what you want!

    • Yeah, I need low maintenance. If I like the look I will probably buzz my own hair so it’ll be pretty much put on the wig and go. The fun part is I can get different styles if I want to.

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